International Working and Advisory Group
Peter D. Bell
is the President of CARE, the
Atlanta-based organization for international relief and development. In the past, he
served as President
of the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, a private foundation that seeks to improve
conditions for the poor and as President of the Inter-American Foundation, an agency that
supports grassroots development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Bell was both
Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary of the United States
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and served for ten years in the Latin America
Program of the Ford Foundation. He is Co-Chair of the Inter-American Dialogue, Chair of
the Advisory Council to the Woodrow Wilson School, and a Trustee of the World Peace
" I never cease to be appalled by the capacity of people to deny the basic dignity and worth of fellow human beings . At the same time, I am inspired every day by people who reach out to others (regardless of their apparent differences), respect their dignity, support their potential, and affirm the oneness and equality of all human beings . The survival of our ever-shrinking world will eventually depend on the willingness of all people to respect, if not love, one another." Peter D. Bell
Ana Maria Brasileiro is
Coordinator of the Womens Leadership and Representation Program of the Inter
American Development Bank. She previously served as Chief of UNIFEMs
Latin America and Caribbean Section and Chief of UNIFEMs Womens Political
Empowerment Program. Dr. Brasileiro is well-versed in development and gender issues,
having worked for UNICEF as a Senior Program Officer. She also served as Professor at the
Brazilian School of Public Administration/Fundacao Getullo Vargas; Research Director of
IBAM, a Brazilian organization devoted to local government and urban development; and
Executive Director of Fundacao EDUCAR, a foundation involved in adult education in Brazil.
"Being a woman, a Black woman or a White woman, makes a big difference in how we experience racism and prejudice . Racism perpetuates itself through the control of womens minds and bodies." Ana Maria Brasileiro
Lynn Walker Huntley is
Director of the Comparative Human Relations Initiative, a project of the Southern
Education Foundation. She previously served as Director of the Ford
Foundations Rights and Social Justice Program, among other capacities. She has
served both as Deputy Assistant Attorney General and as Section Chief in the Civil Rights
Division of the United States Department of Justice, staff counsel at the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., general counsel to the New York City Commission on
Human Rights, and columnist for Essence Magazine. She is a member of the boards of
the Center for Women Policy Studies, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights,
Providence Missionary Baptist Church and the Interdenominational Theological Center.
"We must continue to struggle against racism, sexism and other linked forms of oppression, not only because it is the right thing to do, although it is. Nor do we struggle only when victory seems to be at hand, although we always hope to prevail. We continue to struggle because to give in and give up is to ensure that all is lost and to betray what we stand for. Ultimately, we struggle in order to affirm our values and who we are." Lynn Huntley
Wilmot James is a
Professor and Dean of the Humanities Faculty at the University of Cape Town. He previously
served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Democracy
in South Africa. He has taught at the University of the Western Cape, Indiana University
and Yale University. Professor James is a member of the Board of the Ford Foundation and a
non-executive director of Independent Newspapers (Cape) and David Philip Publishers (PTY)
Ltd. He chaired the Task Team on International Migration for the South African government.
"The end of apartheid does not mean the end of racism. It is but the beginning of a new struggle in a new terrain .William Makgodba recently referred to this terrain as the "new racism." What are the contours of the new racism? The first is the intrusion of privately held racial attitudes into the gray domain of interpersonal relations and semi-public conduct beyond the reach of the constitution or law. A second contour is formal and informal racial discrimination .A third contour is evident in the attitudes toward affirmative or corrective action of those advantaged by White supremacy .A fourth contour of the new racism may be discerned in attitudes toward Black political empowerment ." Wilmot James
Shaun Johnson is Managing
Director of Independent Newspapers Cape in South Africa, and a member of the worldwide
groups International Advisory Board. He was Group Editorial
Director of Independent Newspapers, founding editor of The Sunday Independent,
and is the former editor of the Cape Argus and the Sunday Star. He
was president of the South African Student Press Union. Mr. Johnson was a founding member
of the Editors' Council of the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef).
Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro is
a professor and Director of the Center for the Study of Violence, University of São
Paulo. He has served as Rapporteur for the Brazilian National
Human Rights Plan; United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Burundi; and
Visiting Faculty Member at the Kellogg Institute at the University of Notre Dame.
"The eternal discussions around the myth of racial democracy and about the benefits of the specificity of Brazilian racism must be overcome by urgent and concrete public policies to improve the condition of Afro descendants immediately . It is time to endeavor, in civil society and in government, to promote dramatic social change. That is the best way to go beyond racism." Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro
Edna Roland is the
Coordinator of Fala Preta, a Black womens health institution in Brazil. She formerly
served as the coordinator of the Health Program of Geledés, Institute of the
Black Woman, and a member of its Executive Coordination. Ms. Roland has published numerous
articles on issues such as sterilization, population policy, reproductive rights and AIDS.
She formerly served as a member of the Directors Council of the National Feminist
Network on Health and Reproductive Rights and the National Commission on Citizenship and
" The deepest diabolic damage caused by racism results in its victims dehumanization---in racisms historical undermining of Black peoples capacity to resist co-optation and the degradation of their own good values. Racisms vilest fruits are a lack of hope and a void of trust and faith in ourselves." Edna Roland
Khehla Shubane is a
research officer at the Centre for Policy Studies. Mr. Shubane was tried, convicted and
imprisoned on Robben Island (1976-1982) during South Africas
apartheid era. He was active in the Soweto Civil Association and helped to coordinate the
Anti-Community Council Campaign in Soweto. He served on the National Executive Committee
of the Azanian Students Organization and worked for the Soweto Parents Crisis
Committee to convene the conference at which the National Education Crisis Committee was
formed. Mr. Shubane serves as a director of SANGONET, Open Society Foundation of South
Africa and Rand Merchant Bank.
"Racial discrimination assumed different forms in Brazil, South Africa and the United States, but the outcome was strikingly similar .Those who suffered racial oppression were not only robbed of their political rights to participate in the democratic processes of their own countries, but the disadvantage emanating from racial discrimination was all encompassing. It was political, social and economic." Khehla Shubane
Ratnamala Singh is a
scholar with the National Research Foundation. Previously, she served as the Executive
Director of the Centre for Science Development of the Human Sciences
Research Council and Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University
of Durban-Westville. She is a member of the Editorial Board of South African Journal
of Philosophy, and she was the Founding President of the Union of Democratic
University Staff Associations and Coordinator of the Task Group on Governance of the
National Commission on Higher Education. Dr. Singh has been a visiting research fellow in
the Southern African Research Program at Yale University and Visiting Professor at Rutgers
" Anti-racist struggles do not end with the appropriate constitutional and legal victories. Anti-racist vigilance is a continual need. Anti-racist strategies have to be conceptualized anew in order to give substance to the form of a non-racial democracy and ensure that new forms of racism do not take root in more sophisticated and complex incarnations but which nevertheless have the same effect of exclusion or subordination." Ratnamala Singh
Gloria Steinem is a
writer and consulting editor for Ms. Magazine, the international feminist
bi-monthly that she founded in 1972. Her writing has
appeared in numerous venues, including New York Magazine, a weekly Ms. Steinem
helped to found in 1968 and for which she was political columnist. As an organizer, Ms.
Steinem has helped to found the Womens Action Alliance; The National Womens
Political Caucus; and the Coalition of Labor Union Women. She is President of Voters for
Choice and Founding President of the Ms. Foundation for Women, a national multi-racial
womens fund that supports grassroots projects to empower women and girls.
" Racism is an invention, an utter and total fabrication that grew up as a justification for the military and legalistic takeover of the land, labor, water and resources of one people by another people . The shared justification for racism in all three of our countries and continents accounts for the similarities among us... Structures of inequality may be maintained in different ways. In South Africa, racism was maintained using a culturally masculine style: with clear rules, distance, military authority and the like. In Brazil, it was maintained by what might be called a feminine style: that is, by perpetuating the myth that we are one family, that everything is fine, and accusing those who point out racism of dividing the family, just as women are accused when we point out injustice inside the patriarchal family. In the United States, it was done both ways: North and South, the clarity of southern racism versus the subtler diffusion of northern racism." Gloria Steinem
Franklin A. Thomas is a
consultant with the TFF Study Group, a non-profit initiative focusing primarily on the
development process in South Africa. Mr. Thomas has served as an
attorney for the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the
Southern District of New York, and Deputy Police Commissioner in Charge of Legal Matters
for New York City. Mr. Thomas was also President of the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration
Corporation, a community development organization, and President of the Ford Foundation
from 1979 to 1996. He served as the Chair of the Study Commission on U.S. Policy Toward
Southern Africa, whose report, Time Running Out, was published in 1981 and
subsequently updated.
"Racism takes a toll on all of us, victims as well as others. Racially discriminatory attitudes and behavior are deeply embedded within our institutions and individual psyches. Often we are unaware of the existence of race-based assumptions and the subtle and powerful influences they exert upon us. As some have rightly observed, through our policies as nations, and most especially through our individual actions and attitudes, we end up making race every day." Franklin A. Thomas
Thomas M. Uhlman is
President of the New Ventures Group of Lucent Technologies, where he previously
served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Development and Public
Affairs. In 1995, Uhlman joined AT&T as vice president of Corporate Development after
12 years with Hewlett-Packard Company. At HP, he led the companys activities in
worldwide equity investments, strategic alliances and strategic planning. Dr. Uhlman also
managed the Presidents Commission on Industrial Competitiveness from 1983-1984. He
has taught law, public policy and government at the University of Missouri. Dr. Uhlman
serves on the boards of McDATA Corporation and the American Electronics Association.
"First and foremost, combating racism is a moral imperative. Beyond that, however, stand substantial economic gains that will be available to everyone in countries that are successful in removing race-related barriers that now exist. Our work has shown that the pie can truly expand for all as the economic inefficiencies propping up the legacies of racism are removed. " Thomas Uhlman